fax (305) 246-1030
fax (305) 246-2387




  • Length/Height and Weight
  • Head Circumference
  • Blood Pressure (if risk factors)


  • Vision/Hearing (if risk factors)


Psychosocial/Behavioral Assessment: Parent Screening Questionnaire (SEEK)

Developmental Screening: ASQ-3

Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening: M-CHAT


Discuss With Parents

  • Offering their child food every 2 to 3 hours. (Children’s capacity to eat at any one time is limited.)
  • Giving their child opportunities to develop eating skills (chewing, swallowing) by offering a variety of foods and eating at a family table.
  • Providing forks and spoons designed for children (smaller and easier to use than utensils designed for adults).
  • Turning off the television during mealtimes.
  • Discouraging television viewing for children younger than age 2, and encouraging interactive activities (talking, playing, singing, and reading together).



Immunization (Hep A, flu)

Hepatitis A: This infection causes loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), bleeding problems, fever and headaches. It may cause prolonged weakness and serious illness in individuals already suffering from liver disease.

Influenza: This infection causes high fever, chills, severe muscle aches, headaches, pneumonia, swelling of the brain and death. There are still thousands of deaths every year in the U.S. from influenza related complications

  • Lead testing
  • Anemia


Fluoride Varnish


  • The first priority is to attend to the concerns of the parents. In addition, the Bright Futures Early Childhood Expert Panel has given priority to the following topics for discussion in this visit:
  • Temperament, development, toilet training, behavior, and discipline: Anticipation of return to separation anxiety and managing behavior with consistent limits, recognizing signs of toilet training readiness and parental expectations, new sibling planned or on the way
  • Anticipate anxiety/clinging in new situations.
  • Spend time with child each day; plan ahead for difficult situations, and try new things to make them easier.
  • Be consistent with discipline/enforcing limits.
  • Wait until child is ready for toilet training (dry for periods of about 2 hours, knows wet and dry, can pull pants up/down, can indicate bowel movement).
  • Read books about using the potty; praise attempts to sit on the potty.
  • Prepare toddler for new sibling by reading books; avoid new developmental demands on toddler; take action to ensure own health.

Communication and social development

  • Encouragement of language, use of simple words and phrases, engagement in reading, playing, talking, and singing
  • Encourage language development by reading and singing; talk about what you see.
  • Use words that describe feelings and emotions to help child learn about feelings.
  • Use simple language to give your child instructions.
  • TV viewing and digital media: Promotion of reading, physical activity, and safe play
  • Make time for technology-free play every day; use consistent bedtime routine of reading/songs, not media.
  • Use methods other than TV or other digital media for calming (distraction, removal from trigger, going outside, addressing hunger/tiredness).
  • If you choose to introduce media now, choose high-quality programs/apps and use them together; limit viewing to less than 1 hour per day; be aware of own media use habits; discuss family media use plan ( www.healthychildren.org/MediaU... ); avoid TV during meals.
  • Healthy nutrition: Nutritious foods; water, milk, and juice; expressing independence through food likes and dislikes
  • Offer variety of healthy foods/snacks, especially vegetables/fruits/lean protein.
  • Provide 1 bigger meal, multiple small meals/snacks; trust child to decide how much to eat.
  • Provide 16 to 24 oz milk.
  • Juice is not a necessary drink. If you choose to give juice, limit to 4 oz daily and always serve it with a meal.
  • Continue to offer new foods; let toddler experiment by touching and mouthing.
  • Safety: Car safety seats and parental use of seat belts, poisoning, sun protection, firearm safety, safe home environment: burns, fires, and falls
  • Use rear-facing car safety seat until child is highest weight or height allowed by manufacturer; make necessary changes when switching seat to forward facing; never place car safety seat in front seat of vehicle with passenger air bag; backseat is safest.
  • Make sure everyone uses a seat belt.
  • Remove/lock up poisons/toxic household products; keep Poison Help number (800-222-1222) at each telephone, including cell.
  • Use hat/sun protection clothing, sunscreen; avoid prolonged exposure when sun is strongest, between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.
  • Remove firearms from home; if firearm necessary, store unloaded and locked, with ammunition locked separately.
  • Childproof home (medications, cleaning supplies, heaters, dangling cords, small/sharp objects, plastic bags); keep child away from heavy/hot objects.
  • Install smoke detector on every level; test monthly; change batteries annually; fire escape plan; keep child out of driveway when cars moving.

Anticipatory Guidance

Phone Line Hours

Monday:         7:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday:         7:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday:      7:30am - 4:30pm
Friday:             7:30am - 11:30am
Saturday:      7:30am - 11:30am

Office Hours

Monday:         7:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday:         7:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday:      7:30am - 4:30pm
Friday:             7:30am - 11:00am
Saturday:      7:30am - 11:00am

Lunch Hours

Monday - Thursday
11:00am - 1:30pm

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